Morwad Marble

Morwad marble is a non-foliated metamorphic rock composed of recrystallized carbonate minerals, most commonly calcite or dolomite. Geologists use the term "marble" to refer to metamorphosed limestone. Rajasthan is the largest producer and resource holder of marble in India and the kishangarh is the biggest mandi in Rajasthan for marbles. The state accounts for all most of India's marble production in Rajesthan. In this category Morwad marble are famous in all India.

The resulting Morwad marble is a rock typically composed of an interlocking mosaic of carbonate crystals. Primary sedimentary textures and structures of the original carbonate rock have typically been modified or destroyed. Pure white marble is the result of metamorphism of a very pure limestone or dolomite protolith. 

The characteristic swirls and veins of many colored marble are varieties are usually due to various mineral impurities such as clay, silt, sand, iron oxides, or chert which was originally present as grains or layers in the limestone.Green coloration is often due to serpentine resulting from originally high magnesium limestone or dolostone with silica impurities. These various impurities have been mobilized and recrystallized by the intense pressure and heat of the metamorphism.

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